IW4MAdmin - Configure In IW4MAdminSettings.json

IW4MAdmin - Configure In IW4MAdminSettings.json

IW4MAdmin is an administration tool for IW4x, Pluto T6, Pluto IW5, CoD4x, TeknoMW3, and most Call of Duty® dedicated servers. It allows complete control of your server; from changing maps, to banning players, IW4MAdmin monitors and records activity on your server(s). With plugin support, extending its functionality is a breeze.

Community Guidelines

1. Cheating/Exploiting is not allowed = perma banned
2. Join our Discord server :https://discord.gg/zQ2emFMakC
3. Respect other players
4. Allowed killstreak : Spy plane / / black bird
5. Allowed Perks : Lightweight / Hardened - Steady Aim / Marathon
6. Qucik reload / reload cancel not ALLOWED !
1. Cheating/Exploiting is not allowed = perma banned
2. Join our Discord server :https://discord.gg/zQ2emFMakC
3. Respect other players
4. game mode : Search & Destory - Demolition - Domination - Capture the Flag
5. disallowed maps : All dlc maps
1. Cheating/Exploiting is not allowed = perma banned
2. Join our Discord server :https://discord.gg/zQ2emFMakC
3. Respect other players
4. Allowed killstreak : Spy plane / / black bird
5. Allowed Perks : Lightweight / Hardened - Steady Aim / Marathon
6. Qucik reload / reload cancel not ALLOWED !